Cat Scratching Post

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A cat scratching post is a great purchase for the general cleanliness of a home and for the cat’s health. Cats use scratching posts to condition their claws. Cat owners should introduce their cats to scratching posts early in order to save their furniture from damage. Some kitties seem attracted to furniture with a strange pleasure and malice, at least it appears that way when they are ripping up carpets with great zeal or scratching furniture.

As much as homeowners may detest the results of the clawing, cats do not do it to annoy people or because they hate furniture. Rather, scratching is a natural behavior for cats. It is a way for them to scent mark objects and to shed small sheaths in their claws. It is hard to prevent cats from scratching; however, cat owners can help them learn or identify what is appropriate to scratch.

For the best results, training should start when kitties are still young to prevent them from getting into the habit of using household furniture to satisfy their instinct. However, with consistent encouragement, even older cats can be trained not to scratch furniture. For starters, one needs to provide something appropriate for the cat to scratch. Giving them an object to scratch helps eliminate their desire to use furniture, draperies, or carpets.

Tips for Choosing the Best Cat Scratching Post

Scratching posts come in all types of designs, materials, sizes, and configurations, from freestanding, leaning, wall mount, and incline to cat tree scratching posts, which allows cats to climb, rest and explore. However, one of the most important factors to consider when choosing a scratching post is what it is made from.

For example, cat owners having trouble with a cat that claws carpets and furniture may want to avoid a scratching post made from carpeting or upholstery material. Most cats love sisal or hemp scratching posts because they crackle pleasantly when scratched and provide a great scratching material. Scratching posts can also be made from wood or cardboard.

Size is also important when choosing a scratching post. One may go for a large cat scratching post, a tall cat scratching post, or a short scratching post. Ideally, it should be tall or long enough for the cat to stretch his/her entire length along it. Some posts are designed to fit in corners or slip over doorknobs, which makes them ideal for homes with limited floor space.

In all cases, the post should be strong and stable enough to prevent it from falling or tipping while the cat is scratching. For pet owners with more floor space, a modern cat scratching post with extra features, such as a cat tower or nestling box, can be ideal. Contrary to popular belief, cat owners can actually get a scratching post that looks beautiful and tasteful, rather than being an eyesore.

Cat Scratching Post

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Types of Scratching Posts
Freestanding Scratching Posts

A freestanding scratching post allows the cat a full stretch while scratching. It is perfect for conditioning nails and does not snag nails. Some boast the finest workmanship and materials to guarantee they will remain useful and attractive for years. In addition, being portable, they can be placed anywhere inside or outside the house. They are also ideal for homes with limited space.

A freestanding scratching post may be covered with sisal material; however, a cheap cat scratching post may employ only sisal rope wrapped around a wooden pole. Nevertheless, it is still tough and can handle a thrashing of claws for a long time. In addition, cat owners may also choose to make their own freestanding DIY cat scratching post. The trick is to make it sturdy and big enough to allow the cat to stretch fully to his/her almost–upright position.

It should also employ an appropriate scratching material. If you are looking for something freestanding that also incorporates other items as well, it might be a good idea to consider a cat tree which most often will not only include at least one post but also usually places to hide, climb, and even a cat perch or two.

Wall Mount Scratching Post

The ideal wall mount scratching post has a tall vertical surface to accommodate vertical stretching and scratching. They are also mountable for increased sturdiness. This is good because cats need resistance while scratching to do the best job. There is nothing worse than a scratching post that falls over when the cat is going about its business.

Many come with adhesive stainless steel mounting hooks for easier installation and replacement. Modern wall mount scratching posts are designed to blend nicely with most homes and are made from recyclable materials. This type of scratching post is ideal for cat owners with limited space.

Cat Scratching Post

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Leaning Scratching Post

The unique design of a leaning scratching post is perfect for kitties who love vertical scratches. The leaning post adds some extra interest to the standard vertical models. It can be leaned against a wall or any floor space at any angle. It can also be used on any floor surface, be it hardwood, vinyl, or carpet. Leaning scratching posts come in various sizes, materials, and designs.

Most have rubber fittings at both ends so that they will grab the floor and wall in any room, wood, tile, or carpet. In addition, they do not come with instructions to follow or any setup requirements. One can also place it flat on the floor if the cat prefers it that way.

Incline Scratcher

The incline scratching post works the same way as a leaning scratcher but is more stable. The ergonomic scratching surface offers maximum comfort for the cat, and the scratcher comes in many sizes and materials. It promotes appropriate instinctual scratching.

The incline cat scratcher is simple to assemble and the instructions are easy to follow. The base is made of a stable material and the scratching pad is sturdy and durable. As a bonus, when the scratching pad wears out, one can just flip it over to expose a new surface.

Whether sisal, wood, or cardboard, horizontal or vertical. Elaborate or simple, a good scratching post exists to satisfy the needs of the cat and the owner. Choosing a scratching post is an adventure, with vigorous purring and scratching the reward. When one brings a scratching post home, the cat may not be excited at first. Thus, it is important to place it near the cat’s lounging or sleeping area, to begin with, and to praise the cat when he/she uses it.

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